Facts that you must be aware of junior golf tournament

You must be aware that the World Junior Golf Championships is round the corner. If you are planning to take part at the optimist junior golf tournament then you must be aware of certain facts which will make your wish successful.


Certain facts about the tournament

There are various facts that you must know about US kids golf tournaments so that it becomes easier for you to participate. If you complete reading this article then it will be easier for you to know the facts.

  • Registration: If you wish to participate in this tournament then you can participate now till 25th Yes, there is an entry fee which you have to pay but you can save upon the fees too if you refer your friends. For registering you do not need to go anywhere you can easily do so online from your house.
  • Withdrawal of fees: You can also withdraw the fees if you wish to. But there are certain clauses which you need to follow for having such withdrawal.
  • The dress code that needs to be followed: You must follow the dress code, failing which you may be disqualified from the tournament. Boys must wear collared shirts which must be tucked in. Girls can wear sleeveless shirts which should also be tucked in. If you would love to wear a hat then you must wear it in the proper manner. You must also make sure that your team members also follow the dress code properly.
  • The age that you must be in: The age of yours must be above or under 6 to be in the tournament.

How to learn golf properly

You definitely need to know playing golf properly so that you can succeed in winning the tournament. If you are preparing yourself to be the best at the optimist junior golf tournament then you need to be at http://worldjrgolfchampionships.com/tournaments/.

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